Monday, June 25, 2012

WHY ME!!!!!!!

Soooooo, turns out I hate riding on the BACK of my bike, our car had problems tonight so I had to ride the bike behind the car to the dealership and hubby rode us home on my bike, and being on the back fun, its too high I feel unstable like the bike is gonna tip backwards, turns felt slick, ugh, but when im in the saddle *drool* I just love it!  I got new riding boots and pants!!!

Both I tried tonight and were awesome, the pants even have pouches on the sides for hip pads too!!! need to track me down some of those! I was shocked at the boots, at first it was weird cause I couldnt feel the shifter like I could in my tennis shoes, but I adjusted quickly, and I thought I might feel shorter with the boots, but the opposite I feel alittle taller even though they arnt any taller than shoes maybe its cause I have more traction!  Cant wait until the boots are broken in, they already feel great now, I can only imagine in a few weeks!!!  Anyways I hope the car isnt totally screwed up, it started sputtering at low idle out of nowhere!!! and made a loud clunk sound too, ugh just when we were wanting to get rid of it too, why!!!!!!! why do I have terrible mojo??? Will find out tomorrow about the car, fingers crossed that its just a clogged egr valve!!! or something easy and cheap!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Asus G75 Drama!!!!

Ugh! So as patrick was playing skyrim he was unhappy with some screen tearing, and such, but most of all how slow the laptop was being, I mean with the processor it has ( i7-3610QM ) and being ivy-bridge it just didnt make sense, soooo....we had the black tie plan and were within the exchange limit, we took it in to ask them what was up, the geek squad guy says, after we show him skyrim, that they can do an extensive diagnostic to check for any factory flaws, so ok, we did that, and i get a phone call the next day saying they need my recovery disc's and that the diagnostic flagged the hard drive and it was possibly a virus (a 15 day old laptop with nothing but video games from steam) hmmmmm, okay, so we drop the discs off (thank god patrick made them three days into having the laptop) and I get a call the NEXT day again saying that they cannot get windows to load, even after putting in a different hard drive, and that they believe the motherboard is faulty. Seriously? This is ALWAYS our luck to get the bad apple with any electronic we get, I mean we went through 3 wireless routers before we got one that wasnt broken, 2 modems! 2 televisions, this is just like the worst curse ever!!! Of course they had no more g75's in stock, so it's now on order and will be there on the 9th, and I told them, once it arrives bust that bad boy open and do another diagnostic!!!! I will be damned if I get it home and install the games to have the same thing happen....will update later, we are going for breakfast yummmmmm!

Friday, June 1, 2012

I suck!!!!

I am a lazy shithead!!! I've been working, havent got to ride hardly this week and I didnt sleep today so I am definitely not riding! We are in excessive heat warning until tomorrow so I might ride tomorrow, I am still hunting down a camera to put in my helmet along with the handlebar camera, to sum it up I just suck right now.  Oh and patrick brought the g75 to best buy for a stress test to make sure all is good with it before the return period is up he isnt liking how its running skyrim at certain area's so will be a few days before we hear back on that!